Justin Rice

DevOps and Dev

Passionate, results-driven developer with a fixation on automation, the cyber world and a clouded future.

LinkedIn | GitHub | Medium

I am a creative filmmaker turned technology obsessor with a proactive attitude that is the missing piece to any development team. I work fast and efficiently with experience in many CI/CD tools in the AWS environment as well as using the languages of Python and Javascript to create scalable applications and microservices

I enjoy working with people whose desire to create runs parallel to their desire to win and learn.

Most Recent on Github


These are some of the apps and frameworks that I am comfortable using


Tech News React App

This is a news application thats takes articles and allows the user to save them to a Mongo Database for later reading. It uses the NewsAPI.org API to get the articles from the users selected media sources.


This is an application that uses the Plaid API to allow users to track their spending. This app focuses on then gig economy allowing users to track their projects goals and spending goals at the same time.

Vice Scraper

This is an application that uses Cheerio, Request, Handlebars, React and Mongo DB to populate a page where the user can save their favorite articles and write notes on them.


An application using the Google's Maps API, Authentication and Firebase Storage, this application lets users pick a category of locations they would like to visit. The app then generates these quests, sows the directions and saves them to the user for later use.


Currently entertaining new opportunities. Please get in touch via email:
